CONSTANTINE’S SWORD, by Oscar-nominated documentarian Oren Jacoby, is an astonishing exploration of the dark side of Christianity, following acclaimed author and former priest James Carroll on a journey of remembrance and reckoning. [More] UPDATE FROM THE DIRECTOR An unexpected response to the production of Constantine’s Sword, we would like to share with you, was the founding of The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a clearinghouse for reports of religious prejudice by men and women serving in the US Armed Forces. Mikey Weintsein, who appears in the film with his son Casey, felt compelled to start the organization when he saw their story in the context of a long history of the terrible events that have followed the coming together of religious zealotry and military power, as shown in the movie. Many of the thousands of letters and emails they receive support the concerns we present, in our account of recent events at the US Air Force Academy, and suggest that the phenomenon has spread to all branches of the Armed Forces. Follow this link to see some examples. Oren Jacoby, Director
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